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Cambridge Centre for Neuropsychiatric Research


Kathryn Babbitt

Research Assistant


I earned my Bachelor’s degree in 2024 at Vanderbilt University where I majored in Psychology and minored in Gender and Sexuality Studies. My undergraduate research assistantship culminated in an Honors Thesis which focused on anomalous bodily experiences as a result of trauma and how these experiences influence psychosis risk. My other research experience includes studying interventions for youth in prisons adjudicated for illegal sexual behaviour.

At the CCNR, I am working in the Bahn Lab to investigate mental health technologies with an interest in creating accessible and validated strategies to use for early intervention in mental healthcare.

Contact: keb95[at]


Erin Funnell

Research Assistant


Whilst studying for a BSc in psychology at the University of Leeds, I completed a dissertation investigating the effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation on haemodynamic responses and benefits on cognitive functioning in older adults. In addition, I worked at the university as a research assistant focused on prioritization in working memory.

After graduating in 2019, I began working at Psyomics, a health technology start-up developing a diagnostic and screening app for common mental health conditions. Within this role, I contributed to developing the mental health assessment, validation and gaining a medical device certification.

My interests are in continuing to work towards developing evidence-based health technologies to support individuals with mental health concerns. Whilst working within the CCNR team, I am focusing on acceptability of health technologies for patients with and without chronic gynaecological conditions.

Contact: ef446[at]